Let’s just start.

Alvida Syifa
1 min readMay 9, 2020

“Stop comparing your 0 to other’s 80,90, or even 100”.

That’s the statement that got me to start to write here. I was always haunted by my insecurities and self-doubts. Some thoughts like “I can never be as good as her or him”, “everyone will call me stupid and pathetic after opening this page”, and “I will never be good enough” have stayed in my mind for so long. I was so afraid in making mistakes and letting people see my mistakes. I wasn’t sure with my writing skill, my grammars, and other things. But then I realized, those things had been stoping me to just start.

Starting from today. I’ll try to ignore those sabotaging thoughts. I’ll let my self make mistakes then learn. I’ll let my self enjoying the journey of being wrong and then grow. I try to shift my intention from ‘doing this for people’ to ‘doing this for my own self’.

I will not guarantee what you’ll read here is useful or mind-blowing. But I dare to guarantee my self that this is the best I can do for now. Also, I will not always write in english here, I’ll mostly use bahasa. So, here we go!



Alvida Syifa

Human’s mind and behavior, self-compassion, mindfulness, education, well-being, personal growth, and humanity enthusiast